Thursday, October 16, 2008

Listening to Jesus Encinar -

A small group of INSEAD alumni from very different backgrounds have the chance to share with Jesus Encinar, founder and CEO of and member of the Global Young leader council of the Davos Forum, during a dinner (cena /coloquio)

It was overall a very interesting discussion, Jesus was very open and direct and share his opinion both on the Spanish real state market and the current economic crisis but also on his role and learnings as an entrepreneur

These were some of the notes /quotes I took from his chat:
  • each 8 months everyone in the company changes his physical location (this helps breaking those small groups and forces you to know more people, breaks monotony and helps you get rid of lots of things you don't use each time you move
  • I am always afraid of technology obsolescence. In order to avoid that we force ourselves to replace and build our platform from scratch every 2 years
  • We don't create documentation around our technology. People don't read books and bibles. We just work in small teams and make sure knowledge is always cover on those teams, if someone leaves someone in the team has also the knowledge within the company
  • Technology is people. I just put the developers on a nice and bright room, instead of having them on a windowless basement (aka I did make them an important part of the company)
  • Design is important
  • There are many things you can fixed if you did them wrong at the beginning when you and your partner founded the company. But there is one that it will make you suffer all the way if you don't get it right at the beginning: your allocation of capital among the shareholders
  • Anything is on paper today will be on the Internet in the future
  • I just make sure that we will never be spending more money that we make. I have been in that situation in the past and I will make sure we are never again there
Hope you find it as interesting as I did
Jesus Encinar Blog:

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